Proposal and visiting the object

Based on your criteria and your budget, our agent will arrange a visit of the object(s). A representative of the owner, or the owner him / herself will be present as well, this will help to answer questions or any queries you may have.

Calculating the fees

Once the price for the property is set, we will provide you with an explicit calculation of all fees and costs to complete the process, i.e. the notary fees, the registration fees, our fees and, if applicable, surveillance fees. This will allow you to see the total price for the property you are interested in.

The Promesse de Vente

The next step, once a verbal agreement between you and the owner has been reached, is the Promise of Sale. This act serves to provide you, as well as the owner, with a document showing all details of the intended transaction. Compare this with a Letter of Intent, which means that you have to pay close attention to all details in this document.

The Compromis de Vente

The next step, once a verbal agreement between you and the owner has been reached, is the Promise of Sale. Based on the Promise of Sale, the notary will create the final act and will explain all details contained in the act.

Usually, a deposit of a pre-arranged amount of the total price has to be deposited with the notary, a bankers draft is most suitable, and all parties need to sign the binding document. This contract can normally only be dissolved after a penalty, which is also declared in the document, is paid.

The notary will start the process of transferring the deeds into your or the new owners name, further payment steps have to be observed as per agreement signed in the binding document. It should be noted that the amount of the advance payment when signing the promise promesse de vente is subject to the application of the proportional rate of 1.5% if it is paid directly to the seller.

Signature of the deed of sale

This is the final phase to complete the purchasing procedures.

The deed of sale must be signed by the buyer, the seller and the notary. In order for the sale to be enforceable against third parties, the notary must ensure land publicity by publishing the deed of sale in the real estate file located at the mortgage office on which the property depends.

The keys are handed over when the deed of sale is signed, unless the buyer and seller decide otherwise.